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KMT Aug 7 '18

With a broken heart and tears in my eyes, I am writing this post. I said goodbye to Heidi, my chocolate lab today. She was my furry love of my life, my camping partner, and she spent countless hours in the dorms of Christ School keeping me company. Heidi taught me the true meaning of loyalty and unconditional love. I’ll miss her unceasing desire to play ball, our golf cart rides at the river, and her companionship for the past 12 1/2 years. I love you my girl!

Snoopy Aug 9 '18
She was a good pup. (((Hugs))). Remember the good times
vetterdog Aug 12 '18
I'm so sorry Jamie. I lost my buddy about two years ago, a pit bull named Fido, and I still miss him every time I pack up the bus. Just know what a great life she had because of you! 

Peace, Dave

Bumblebee Aug 13 '18

I am so sorry Jamie.  She was the best and she knew how much you cared for and about her.  There is no easy way to go through this.  Losing a fur family member just hurts.  But remembering the fun camping trips and all the years you spent together will help.

collie Aug 6 '20
Sorry to hear that Jamie....