• Bumblebee
    Bumblebee created new event
    Fire on the Mountain
    Fire on the Mountain
    Some folks that don't do facebook wanted a reminder of the dates. It is a great camp out at Rabun Beach Campground in Lakemont, Ga.  https://cfaia.org/recreation-areas-campgrounds/georgia-campgro...
    Total users: 3
    Aug 13 '18
    26 0
    Feb 14 '19
    Correction, I posted the wrong dates third weekend is 19 to 22 please don't punish me.
    Feb 14 '19
    Feb 22 '19
    Sounds good Bear. The problem we have had for the last two or three years is that there is usually a storm that hits that weekend closing the campground. Hopefully this year it will miss us and we can camp.
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